• Horses Black Knight (1860)
    Horses Black Knight (1860)

    Horses Black Knight (1860)

    Imprimerie Lemercier

    Regular price $23.00+

Imprimerie Lemercier

The Imprimerie Lemercier was one of the most important printing houses of the 19th century in France, known for its outstanding lithographs. It was founded in 1827 by Joseph Lemercier, a pioneer of the printing art who knew how to elevate lithography to a recognized art form. The printing house was located in Paris and quickly became a center for artists and publishers who appreciated the high quality of the prints.

Joseph Lemercier was not only a skilled printer, but also a shrewd businessman. He recognized early on the potential of lithography, which made it possible to reproduce works of art in large numbers yet in impressive quality. This made art accessible to a wider audience and contributed to the democratization of art. The Imprimerie Lemercier worked with many of the most famous artists of their time, including Honoré Daumier, Eugène Delacroix and Édouard Manet.

The printing house was known for its technical innovations and ability to realize even the most demanding projects. Lemercier continually invested in new technologies and improved printing techniques, which gave it a competitive advantage. The prints of Imprimerie Lemercier were characterized by their attention to detail and the vibrancy of the colors, which made them popular with collectors and art lovers alike.

Interesting fact: The Imprimerie Lemercier was not only known for its artistic prints, but also for the production of maps and scientific illustrations that appeared in many major publications of the time. Important works of art & images from Imprimerie Lemercier: 1. "La Caricature" (1830s)
2. "Le Charivari" (1830s)
3. "Les Misérables Illustrations" (1862)
4. "Illustrations to 'La Comédie Humaine' by Balzac" (1840s)
5. "Eugène Delacroix Lithographs" (various years)
6. "Honoré Daumier Lithographs" (various years)
7. "Édouard Manet Lithographs" (various years)
8. "Maps of France" (19th century)
9. "Scientific Illustrations for Botanical Works" (19th century)
10. "Illustrations for 'Les Fleurs du Mal' by Baudelaire" (1857)